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Know the Facts


46% of all 15-19 year olds in the United States have had sex at least once.


What are the odds of a girl becoming pregnant by the age of 20 in the U.S?

White teen-19% (1 out of 5)

Black teen-39% (2 our of 5)

Latina teen-42% (1 out of 3)


Only 38% of teen girls who have a child before the age of 18 receive their high school diploma


People ages 15-24 account for half of the 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases every year in the United States.



In 2012, the total pregnancy rate per 1,000 females ages 15-19 were as follows:

Genesee County: 27.3 (56 pregnancies)

Orleans County: 35.0 (48 pregnancies)


In 2012, the total Chlamydia rate per 100,000 people were as follows:

Genesee County: 293.4 (176 cases)

Orleans County: 368.4 (157 cases)


In 2012, the total living with HIV and AIDS Cases (including prisoners) were as follows:

HIV in Genesee County: 35

AIDS in Genesee County: 39

HIV in Orleans County: 127

AIDS in Orleans County: 189



Miscarriages 1

Live Births 31

Miscarriages 2

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